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Dr. 杰克·巴格韦尔,总统
Dr. 杰克Bagwell began his tenure as the 11th President of 阿尔伯马尔学院 on December 2, 2019. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biology from Winthrop University and his doctorate in educational studies with a specialization in educational leadership and higher education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 除了他的学位,Dr. Bagwell has participated in the Executive 领导 Institute offered through the League for Innovation in Community Colleges and the South Carolina Technical College System’s 领导 Academy.
Bagwell’s career in community colleges began over 33 years ago at York Technical College in South Carolina, 他在那里担任了23年的各种职务, 包括生物讲师, 教学专家, 学习资源主任, culminating in associate vice president of academic affairs and interim vice president for development. 他转学到南卡罗来纳州的皮埃蒙特技术学院(PTC), 从2014年开始任职,直到他接受COA的职位. 他在PTC任职期间担任学术事务副总裁.
Dr. Bagwell developed expertise in accreditation-related issues during his career by serving on many Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges accreditation committees. He has also worked in his local communities by serving on committees and taskforces, 主要关注教育, 生活质量, 经济发展问题. Dr. Bagwell is an ex-officio board member on the Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 伊丽莎白市-帕斯夸坦克县经济发展委员会, 以及艾登顿-乔万合伙公司. Dr. Bagwell also serves on the 阿尔伯马尔学院 Foundation Board and is an Elizabeth City Rotary Club member. 除了他的社区服务,Dr. Bagwell is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Coastal Studies Institute, 这是一个多机构的研究合作伙伴关系, NC.
Dr. 院长Roughton
Dr. Roughton has worked in higher education for more than two decades and has been employed with COA since 2006. 第一次被聘为英国人 讲师,博士. 拉夫顿还担任过系主任, 部门的椅子, 最近担任院长, 在过去的六年里一直是文理学院的学生. 在他的新职位上. 拉夫顿将负责学院的研究和数据部门, 还有信息技术部门. His duties will include conducting evaluations of the effectiveness of all campus programs and departments and overseeing college-wide strategic planning and assessment. He will also serve as the College’s liaison to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), 学院的区域认证机构.
Dr. Roughton earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Community College 领导 from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA; a Master of Arts in English from 北卡罗莱纳 State University in Raleigh; and a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of 北卡罗莱纳 – Chapel Hill. 除了获得的学位之外,Dr. Roughton completed the 北卡罗莱纳 Community College System 领导 Program in 2014 and was named a Fulbright Scholar by the U.S. 国家教育和文化事务局2018年.
Ms. Burris joins COA with a significant background in the South Carolina Technical College System. 此前,她曾担任多个职位 格林伍德的皮埃蒙特技术学院, 包括兼职教练, Director of Student Support Services programs and Director of Dual Enrollment. 她在COA担任副总裁. Burris will provide leadership and oversight for admissions and financial aid, 学生招募及参与, 学生生活与领导力, 注册服务, 建议, 就业服务和中等教育.
Ms. Burris earned an educational specialist degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Converse College, 获得伍福德学院心理学学士学位, 斯帕坦堡卫理公会学院理学副学士. She is presently seeking a graduate certificate in Higher Education 领导 from the University of South Carolina.
吉姆在过去的八年里一直从事教育工作, starting as the 维修主任 for Perquimans County Public Schools. He has over 15 years of project management experience and over 30 years of maintenance experience. 1989年至2001年,吉姆在美国海军担任工程师. He is a certified Facilities Engineering Manager along with other certifications dealing with Project Management, 安全, 和维护. Currently, Jim is the State of 北卡罗莱纳 Capital Projects Manager for the College.
He has held the position of Professional Firefighter for the City of Suffolk, 维吉尼亚州, Facility Manager and 安全 Director for a large casino/resort in the midwest, 维修主任, 珀基曼斯县学校的建设和管理服务, 维修主任 for the College and 现在 the 首席运营官.
艾拉·菲尔兹·邦奇担任COA的人力资源总监. She was formerly an adjunct professor for Beaufort County Community College for five years, 在主校区和马塔穆斯基特学校的校园教学. 在接受高等教育之前,Mrs .. Bunch worked for 北卡罗莱纳 K-12 Public Schools for the past 20 years in progressively responsible positions within the 人力资源 Department serving as Chief Human Resource Officer, 人力资源总监兼人事管理员. 在Ms早期. 很多的职业生涯, she worked for 10+ years with the 北卡罗莱纳 Public 健康 System and private hospitals as a 健康 Education Coordinator.
Ms. Bunch is responsible for providing strategic leadership and direction for the college’s human resource management function including planning, 集成, 实施人力资源项目和政策, 以及人才和领导力发展. Her office handles the day-to-day management and strategic planning and initiatives of key human resource functions, 包括员工招聘, 好处, 职位分类, 补偿, 员工关系, 培训和发展以及人力资源信息系统.
Ms. Bunch earned her masters of science in administration from Central Michigan University located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan and a Bachelor of Science degree with a concentration in School 健康 from East Carolina University in Greenville, 北卡罗莱纳.
蒂姆·斯威尼在COA - Dare担任院长.
Mr. Sweeney graduated from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor of 健康 Science and a Master of Administration and Supervision.
他曾担任COA的大学和职业准备主任. He has been with COA since 2011 after a 36-year career as a high school principal in Newport News, 维吉尼亚州.
他和他的妻子克劳迪娅有两个孩子和五个孙子孙女. 他们居住在北卡罗莱纳州的南岸.