由于2019冠状病毒病,目前没有举行现场情况介绍会. Students should contact an Admissions DSO at [email protected] for more information.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
国土安全部规定,符合以下所有标准的个人有资格被驱逐出美国.S. deferred for two years. Students can learn more about the DACA program.
Students may request DACA if you:
- Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;
- Came to the U.S. before reaching your 16th birthday;
- Have continuously resided in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, up to the present time;
- Were physically present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, 以及在您向美国移民局提出考虑暂缓行动的请求时;
- Had no lawful status on June 15, 2012, meaning that:
- 你在2012年6月15日或之前没有合法移民身份,或者
- 您在6月15日之前获得的任何合法移民身份或假释, 2012, had expired as of June 15, 2012;
- Are currently in school, 高中毕业或取得毕业证书, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, 或者是海岸警卫队或美国武装部队的光荣退伍老兵.S.; and
- Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors, 并且不会对国家安全或公共安全构成威胁.
《申博官方》(State Board of Community Colleges Code)规定了一般的招生政策:“每所大学应对所有美国合法居民的申请人保持开放政策。.S. and who are either high school graduates or at least 18 years of age.”
一般的门户开放政策有一个例外,适用于无证移民. 《申博官方》规定,“无证移民”是指在美国非法居留的任何移民.S.
During the period of deferment, 根据DACA计划获得延期的个人不符合ID SBCCC 400中对无证移民的定义.2(b) because the deferral recipients are lawfully present in the U.S. during the period of deferment. 请注意,社区学院无权决定谁有资格获得DACA分类. 学生申请人负责提交文件,以确定他们有DACA分类.
The phrase “legal residency” in ID SBCCC 400.2(a) means individuals who are “lawfully present” in the U.S., solely for the purpose of ID SBCCC 400.2(a). 由于DACA分类的个人在延期期间是合法存在的,并且不符合SBCCC 400对无证移民的定义.2(b), 社区大学应该像对待其他合法居住在美国的学生一样对待DACA分类的个人.S. with two exception:
- Neither federal law, 北卡罗来纳州的法律也不允许拥有DACA分类的个人获得专业执照. See 8 U.S.C. and 1621(a) and (c)(1)(A). 因为被DACA分类的个人不能获得专业执照, while community colleges are open-door institutions, 当地社区学院有权决定是否接受DACA分类的个人进入特定的学习项目,从而获得专业执照. More specifically, 当地的社区学院将被授权拒绝被DACA分类的个人进入特定的学习项目,从而获得专业执照. Conversely, 当地的社区学院将被授权允许被DACA分类的个人进入一个特定的学习项目,从而获得专业执照.
- Moreover, 国家居住委员会目前的立场是,拥有DACA分类的个人没有能力获得州内学费.
Admission to Colleges
州社区学院委员会守则规定,DACA分类下的学生入学政策将对所有美国合法居民申请人保持开放的入学政策.S. 他们要么是高中毕业生,要么至少年满18岁. 学生的录取程序和分班决定由各学院的官员执行. 被解放的未成年人的入学条件,与年满十八周岁的申请人相同. Provisions with respect to admission of minors are set forth in Rule .0305 of this Section.
For the purposes of this Section, “无证移民”是指任何不合法居住在美国的移民.S. 社区学院在下列条件下招收无证移民:
- 只有在美国公立大学就读并毕业的无证移民,社区大学才能录取.S. public high school, private high school, or home school that operates in compliance with State or local law;
- When determining who is an undocumented immigrant, community colleges shall use federal immigration classifications;
- 根据本条(b)(1)项获准的无证移民必须遵守有关经济援助的所有联邦和州法律;
- 根据本条第(b)款第(1)项获准的无证移民不应被视为北卡罗莱纳州居民. 所有根据本条(b)(1)项被接纳的无证移民,无论他们是否居住在北卡罗来纳州,都必须从州外收取学费;
- 当考虑是否允许一个无证移民进入一个特定的学习项目, community colleges shall take into account that federal law prohibits states from granting professional licenses to undocumented immigrants; and
- Students lawfully present in the U.S. 在能力限制存在的情况下,应优先于任何类别或学习项目的无证移民.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 252-335-0821 ext. 2217