The President’s Next Generation 领导 Academy allows faculty and staff to learn more about themselves, 他们的同事, 学院, 协作式领导, ultimately building the COA leadership pipeline. This is an eight-month commitment that involves group and individual conversations with the president, team-building activities and field trips to various meetings throughout our service area. 对话和讨论, 无论是作为一个群体还是个人, are designed to encourage participants to see community college leadership through a broad lens. Participants also learn about the NC Community College System and how it supports and impacts the 58 community colleges throughout the state.
President’s Next Generation 领导 Application
Joshua Alcocer is the institutional researcher for COA. He joined the COA family as an employee in 2021. 在他受雇于COA之前, Joshua served as a Machinery Technician 2nd Class in the United States Coast Guard. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Elizabeth City State University.
Dannette Bowe is the COA Student Support Services Coordinator and Administrative Assistant to the Vice-President of Student Success and Enrollment Management. She joined the COA family as an employee in 2015, serving as a part-time instructor for the Basic and Transitional Studies Department, now known as College and Career Readiness. 2020年2月, she began serving full-time as a financial aid advisor with the College until transitioning to her current position in July 2022.
Dannette attended COA, completing the Nurse Aide I and II programs in 1997. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from Elizabeth City State University.
Anna Boyce is the COA - Edenton-Chowan Administrative Assistant, Cashier and Receptionist. She joined the COA family as an employee in 1997 as a part-time financial aid assistant, later transitioning to the COA Admissions Office. She transferred to COA - Edenton-Chowan in February 2012, becoming a full-time employee shortly after. Anna is a COA Alum, graduating in 1993 with an Associate in Information Systems 技术.
Dr. Felix Buabeng is a COA Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Agribusiness 技术. He joined the COA family as an employee in 2019. 在COA任职之前,Dr. Buabeng worked with the Maryland Cooperative Extension. He is from Ghana in West Africa, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in general agriculture. He later earned his doctorate in food science and technology from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Dr. Buabeng is a trained food safety and security specialist internationally recognized for his contribution to ensuring sustainable food security.
Tiffany Elmore is the COA College and Career Readiness Instructional Lead and Professional Development Facilitator. She is also an adjunct communications instructor. Tiffany joined the COA family in 2019 as a part-time ESL and GED Math and Science Instructor in the College and Career Readiness Department, becoming full-time in 2022 in her current role. She is a COA Alum, graduating in 2016 with an Associate in General Education. She also holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in communications from East Carolina University.
Christopher Robertson is the COA Simulation Instructor and Director of 健康 Sciences and 健康 项目 Admissions and Advisement. Chris joined the COA family as an employee in 2006 as an Associate Degree Nursing program instructor. He taught at COA until 2010, returning in 2017 in his current position. Christopher holds an associate degree in nursing from Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Western Carolina University, and a master’s degree in nursing from Robert Morris University.
Jessica Buckley-Williams is the COA Program Coordinator for Business 项目. She joined the COA family as an employee in 2020, serving as an adjunct business instructor. She transitioned to full-time in 2020 as a business instructor, 2023年成为项目协调员. Jessica holds bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business administration from Elizabeth City State University. She also has a master’s degree in business administration from Liberty University.
Adrian Knight was also a program graduate; however, he accepted a position at another NC community college in April, 我们祝他一切顺利.